Windows Notes

Some helpful Windows commands

Toggle on/off Virtualization-based security

To check the status of Virtualization-based security, type msinfo32 in search bar and open system information panel. Scroll down and there should be an entry of Virtualization-based security indicating its status.

To toggle on/off it, open cmd terminal with administrator previlages and execute these commands.

# Off
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
# On
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto

Check and compare file hashes

Compare file hashes from PowerShell, used to check the file integrity.

# display file hash (default algorithm is SHA256)
Get-FileHash <file> -Algorithm <algorithm-name>
# To compare the file hash from already known hash in one line
(Get-FileHash <file>).Hash -eq "known-SHA256-hash"